10 Basic Cybersecurity TipsCybersecurity is growing importance in the digital world. Read the basic cybersecurity tips that you must equip with.
1. Raise the Complexity of your Password
Increasing the digits, including the special characters (e.g. ()~!#$%^&*-_).
Apply mix of characters, including numbers, lowercases and uppercases. When the possibilities of combination raised, it raises the strength of the password. As hackers takes longer time to employ trials to attack your passwords (Dictionary attack).
Do not include your personal information to form your passwords e.g. birthday, ID card number, your name and phone numbers. If there is no meaning in your password, the passwords will be impossible to guess.
For the accounts that are not storing your vital information, you may use a simpler password. Yet, when it comes to bank accounts and digital assets accounts, it should be safely secured, by a complex password.
2. Safeguard your Password
Change your password regularly and set a unique password for each account. Hackers cannot gain access to all your accounts with one password. When you are changing your passwords frequently, it will block the hackers to constantly access your accounts. Certainly, you should not share your password to others.
Apply a secured password manager (online or offline). Password manager will assist you in storing the passwords and generate complex passwords. Users only required to remember 1 master password to access all other passwords.
3. Don’t Click or Type your Personal Information into the Untrusted Links, Emails, and Phone Calls
When there are texts or emails that required your credit card information or ID card numbers, make sure you must verify with the company. Never type your personal information into any untrusted links, emails, and texts, it might be a phishing scam.
4. Use Multi-Factors Authentication (MFA)
It will add an extra layer of protection to your account. Beside inputting your username and passwords, they will require another type of authentication. For instance, fingerprint, Face ID, or verify your identity with another device like Duo Mobile. It raises the complexity for a hacker to break through your account. Even the hacker obtained your password but they still have to deal with the other factors of authentication.
5. Anti-virus and Firewall
Install anti-virus software and firewall to protect the security of your devices. They will automatically detect the virus and block you access. Firewall will filter and monitor. Anti-virus will scan on the infected files and software. They can stop spyware as well. Yet make sure your anti-virus and firewall are well-connected and keep updated. It is the first layer of cybersecurity issue.
6. Don’t Access or Type your Personal Information when you are Using the Untrusted Network
It will be an exposure as there are risks handling the sensitive data when you are using public WiFi. As the hackers may trap you with the public network and access your devices through the WiFi.
7. Don’t Save the Payment Method when you Shop Online
When the hacker can access your devices, the hacker can directly retrieve your saved credit card information.
8. Be careful on Social Media Exposures
Social media security is one of the most popular topic cybersecurity issue. As people are purposely sharing their life to friends in fact they carelessly leaked out their personal information through the social media. For examples, exposing the barcode of their air ticket.